EU Pressed to Act Against Israel for "Massacring Journalists" in Gaza

According to the letter, the period following October 7, 2023, has been the deadliest for journalists in decades


A coalition of 60 media and human rights organizations has made a powerful appeal to the European Union (EU) to suspend its cooperation agreement with Israel and impose targeted sanctions. This call comes ahead of the EU foreign ministers meeting scheduled for August 29, 2024, and is in response to what these groups describe as severe and systemic violations of press freedom and human rights in the Gaza Strip. 

The coalition emphasizes that the ongoing conflict has resulted in the deadliest conditions for journalists in decades, with the targeted or indiscriminate killing of journalists being classified as a war crime. 

“More than 130 Palestinian journalists and media professionals have been killed by the Israeli armed forces in Gaza since 7 October,” the statement reads. “At least 30 of them were killed in the course of their work. Three Lebanese journalists and an Israeli journalist have also been killed during the same period.” 

The EU is Israel’s largest trade partner, representing 28.8% of its goods trade in 2022. Respect for human rights is a fundamental aspect of EU association agreements with partner countries. According to Article 60 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, if these "essential elements" are violated, the EU has the authority to fully or partially terminate or suspend the agreements. 

Additionally, Article 82 of the Association Agreement states that “Each of the Parties may denounce the Agreement by notifying the other Party.” 

Julie Majerczak, head of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) in Brussels, articulated the urgency of the situation, stating, “The Israeli government is clearly trampling on this article,” referring to the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which mandates respect for human rights. 

The coalition's letter outlines various violations by Israel, including the arbitrary detention of journalists, severe restrictions on media access to Gaza, and widespread censorship. These actions not only undermine press freedom but also foster a climate of misinformation that complicates peace efforts. 

Specific incidents cited include the killings of Al Jazeera reporter Ismail al-Ghoul and his cameraman Rami al-Rifi in an airstrike, as well as the deaths of Al Jazeera Arabic journalist Hamza Dahdouh and his family. 

The letter details that Dahdouh's oldest son was killed in January, and another Al Jazeera journalist, Samer Abudaqa, was killed in December, highlighting the ongoing risks faced by media professionals in the region. 

The coalition's appeal is further underscored by concerns regarding Israel's adherence to human rights standards as outlined in Article 2 of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which emphasizes the importance of democratic principles and human rights. 

“These violations should trigger the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement and further, EU targeted sanctions against those responsible,” the letter concludes. 

Recently, 113 journalists sent a letter to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, urging the Biden Administration to impose an arms embargo on Israel due to its ongoing actions in Gaza, which have resulted in the deaths of over 160 journalists. 

The ‘International Federation of Journalists’ (IFJ) has released a report highlighting the alarming mortality rate of journalists in Gaza, which is significantly higher than that of other professions. 

The report indicates that approximately 12% of Gazan journalists have been killed since the onset of the conflict on October 7, 2023, marking a mortality rate that exceeds that of combat soldiers in many wars. The IFJ attributes this "unusually high" rate to deliberate targeting by Israeli forces during military operations in the region. 

“Israel’s military actions are not possible without US weapons, US military aid, and US diplomatic support. By providing the weapons being used to deliberately kill journalists, you are complicit in one of the gravest affronts to press freedom today,” the journalists decried in a letter to Blinken.

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